Message from Chairman

the organization image area through effective communication to strengthen brand awareness, and the work process area by developing information technology infrastructure alongside working out digital transformation solution to support the work systems that are crucial to the asset management, and the end-to-end customer service system on digital platforms.

The year 2023 continued to challenge business operations despite the easing of the COVID-19 pandemic to some extent. Thai economic growth has not yet been accelerated overshadowed by several significant emerging factors which had posed broad-ranging impacts, including the ongoing tensions between Israel and the Hamas group and ongoing global economic polarization. This has made it difficult to predict future trends and directions. Therefore, both the public and private sectors need to be well prepared in all dimensions to ensure organizational resilience and maintain satisfactory operational performance.
Moving towards its 25th Anniversary in 2024, BAM has prepared the organization in multiple areas to cope with any upcoming changes and challenges. We have formulated comprehensive policies and strategic plans covering the financial area with action plans in place to drive revenue to meet the target, the organization image area through effective communication to strengthen brand awareness, and the work process area by developing information technology infrastructure alongside working out digital transformation solution to support the work systems that are crucial to the asset management, and the end-to-end customer service system on digital platforms. Another area of high priority is continuous learning and development involving ongoing programs to develop executives and staff throughout the year in conjunction with systematic performance evaluation. These initiatives reflect the Company’s solid foundation that has led to recognition by various leading organizations both internally and globally as outlined below:
- BAM has been selected for inclusion in the “SET ESG Ratings” at the AA level for 2023 by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. It is one of the 193 listed companies included in the SET ESG Ratings.
- BAM has been given a five-star assessment or “Excellent” CG scoring for the second straight year in 2023 by the Thai Institute of Directors (IOD) and supported by the Stock Exchange of Thailand. The assessment has been participated by a total of 782 listed companies. In addition, BAM’s membership of Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) has been endorsed for the second time.
- BAM has been selected to be in the list of ESG100 securities by Thaipat Institute for 2023 selected from among 888 listed companies with outstanding performance in environmental, social and governance (ESG) areas alongside business operational performance.
- BAM has been honored with the award plaque of International Diamond Prize for Excellence in Quality 2023 from European Society for Quality Research (ESQR), Switzerland, which is a prestigious award in recognition of international organizations with determination in quality development and management of their organizations to support economic growth of their organizations and the society at large.
- BAM has received the Human Rights Awards 2023 in the category of business organizations (large-scale) at the “Good” level by Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Ministry of Justice, to be a good role model for other organizations in business operation with respect for human rights.
- BAM has been certified at the "Excellent" level in the Green Office certification by the Department of Climate Change and Environment, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. This reflects the Company's social and environmental responsibility in addressing climate change and running business with focus on mitigating social and environmental impacts through employee participation.
Amid the rapidly changing business world and fierce competition of today, it is another chapter to challenge business organizations in dealing with multi-faceted threats and obstacles. BAM will remain steadfast in driving our self-development initiatives in all dimensions to build a strong foundation for us to advance towards sustainable growth with business operation that keeps into account environmental, social, and governance concerns and is conducive to efficient business administration and corporate governance. This will empower us to stand firm in our business operation with a primary role in reviving assets to drive Thai economy and society towards sustainability.
Mrs. Tongurai Limpiti