Towards 25th Anniversary

BAM is ready to support the financial institutions systemin the revival of distressed assets to drive Thai economy and society towards sustainable growth.

Non-performing Loans
Income from NPLs in Q4/2024 was up QoQ. Repayment improved due to expedited enforcement of cases.
Non-performing Assets
Income from NPAs in Q4/2024 increased YoY and QoQ because of marketing campaigns, and “special price” promotion that had been launched to boost sales during the slowdown in demand in property market and amid the strictness of lending by financial institutions.
Expenses and Others
  • Interest expenses for debentures and borrowings were up.
  • BAM strictly monitored operating expenses.
  • ECL had been reversed due to over-recognition from previous quarters.

Collection Proportions 2024

Non-performing Loans
NPLs Collection
Million Baht
NPLs Collection
Non-performing Assets
NPAs Collection
Million Baht
NPAs Collection
Collection Target
Million Baht
2022 2023 2024 2025F
NPLs 10,115 8,452 8,630 10,800
NPAs 6,836 6,698 6,531 7,000
Total Collection 16,951 15,150 15,161 17,800
Unit : Million Baht Q4/2023 Q3/2024 Q4/2024 %YoY %QoQ 2023 2024 %YoY
Operating Income
Income from Loans Purchased of Receivables (NPLs) 1,468 1,423 1,468 0 3 5,225 5,870 12
Income from Sale of Properties for Sale (NPAs) 623 498 644 3 29 2,759 2,473 (10)
Other Operating Income 59 62 104 75 67 226 263 16
Total Operating Income 2,150 1,983 2,215 3 12 8,210 8,606 5
Operating Expenses 826 714 790 (4) 11 3,029 2,914 (4)
Interest Expenses 756 824 834 10 1 2,908 3,231 11
Total Operating Expenses 1,582 1,538 1,624 3 6 5,937 6,146 4
Profits Before Income Tax and ECL 568 444 591 4 33 2,273 2,460 8
Expected Credit Losses (Additional) 29 196 (26) (190) (113) 430 511 19
Total Income Tax 80 49 94 18 92 309 347 12
Net Profit 459 199 523 14 163 1,534 1,602 4


  • This abridged version of FS in equity method does not show interest income – part of accrued and ECL from loans purchased of receivables.
  • The summation of some figures may not add up due to rounding