Business Overview
To be the leading organization in the revival of assets to drive Thai economy and society towards sustainable growth.
BAM aims to be an essential tool in managing non-performing assets by helping debtors and solving financial institutions’ problems. The Company supports the real estate sector by developing potential foreclosed properties to meet market demands. As a leading asset management company, BAM is ready to acquire NPL/NPA from all financial institutions and strives to become the best asset management company in the country. As of March 31, 2024, BAM successfully helped 156,772 debtors settle debts with the total principal balance of 488,651 million baht and sold 52,782 properties with the total appraisal value of 114,898 million baht.
Non-performing Loans
Successfully Settled
Total Principal Balance
Million Baht
Non-performing Assets
Properties Sold
Total Appraisal Value
Million Baht

Coverage Nationwide
Professional Employees
Key Performance 9M/2024
NPLs Collection
NPLs Collection
NPAs Collection
NPAs Collection
Total Assets
Million Baht
Net Profit
Million Baht
Total Equity
Million Baht
Invest with BAM
Grow Together
To be the major asset management organization and a key engine in sustainingnational economy with restructuring of bad debts into performing debts androll-out of relief measures for debtors toward mutual and sustainable growth.
Grow Together
Corporate Governance
To be an organization operating under corporate governanceprinciples and with adherence to transparency, examinability andfairness to customer, trade partners, shareholders, employees andparties concerned to ensure sustainable growth.